I recently received a free copy of Killing Cockroaches from Tony Morgan. (Thanks Tony!)
As I read, I couldn't help but think of Killing Cockroaches as a book of blogs. It is filled with 1-2 page snipets of thoughts. Great thoughts. Easy to manage thoughts. Everything from church leadership tips to embarassing moments that we really didn't need to know about.
This conglomeration of thoughts challenged me in certain areas of my life and minsitry, and affirmed me in others. A few of my favorite quotes:
- What would our churches have to look like in order to transform people’s lives so completely that their excitement could not be contained?
- I love churches that aren’t about helping people become churchy.
- All leaders and volunteers must believe that it is their responsibility to ‘tap the shoulders’ of the folks next to them and invite them into ministry.
- My first thought was this: “Dear God, I will never make fun of people who listen to country music again."
Tony obviously has a deep desire to see people's lives transformed by the power of the Gospel. His unique insights and provocative thoughts are a great challenge to any church leader (whether you get paid for it or not). If you haven't read Killing Cockroaches yet, check it out.
Is there a specific website for Southbrook Monroe? I have some people that live in Monroe that I'd love to give and invite to. Looks like it has been an amazing start. Congrats!
We are getting close to launching our Southbrook Monroe Website. If you go to www.southbrookchurch.com in the next week or so you should see an option for Monroe campus.
Thanks man - we need to get together again soon!
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