April 20, 2009

Sunday @ Southbrook Monroe 4.19.09

Some thoughts from yesterday:
  • Sunday was loooong for me. Long but good! I got to preach on Hebrews 5:11-14 - talked about the need for people who have been baby Christians for too long to grow up! I'm thinking about putting together a couple of blogs this week comparing the characteristics of babies with baby Christians.
  • We had some great worship, the sound was great. We put up a drum shield last Sunday. That has allowed us to bring down the overall volume of the music. I think it sounds a lot better now.
  • Numbers were down...the Sunday after Easter is the lowest attended Sunday of the year...isn't that strange?
  • I taught Class 201. We had 7 people take the class. Very awesome to see people taking the next steps in their involvement at Southbrook.
  • Pastor Rob visited with us. He did the announcements. How weird is that? He did the announcements and I taught?
  • We went out to dinner to celebrate Kara's 14th birthday. Happy birthday Kara!
For all of you that missed this weekend, I hope to see you back this Sunday! I will be continuing our study in the book of Hebrews. We're going to take a look at the foundational truths of Christianity found in chapter 6:1-12, and then we're going to celebrate baptism together! It's gonna be another great weekend at Southbrook Monroe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We were camping in Asheville this weekend. I missed you all! I did think this weekend that I was going to be part of the statistic of low church attendance on Sunday..I don't like being part of that statistic.
