February 02, 2009

Sunday @ Southbrook: 02/01/2009

I was overcome with a strange feeling of uncertainty yesterday as I prepared for church. I just felt like something was up. I prayed about it. I gave the day to the Lord. I asked Him to let His will be done.

And He did. Looking back over the day, here is how I see it. In three weeks we are having our grand opening. We have a lot to do in preparation for that. We are planning some training, we have big plans for that day, and we simply need a lot of people to step up and take part. So I announced in the service that we would be hanging around for a few minutes after the service to get some people plugged in to help. We had about 40 people at that meeting. To put it into perspective - we had 104 in attendance. So yes-God did have His way.

Our service was awesome - worship went great - Pastor Rob's message was right on. I am looking forward to this week. I can't wait to see how God is going to continue to put this thing together - all for His glory!


Anonymous said...

Hey Geoffrey,

I plan on being there on the 22nd selling some of our Southbrook products and the new Live CD. Let me know what else you need.



Josh Via said...

Good stuff, bro. Keep on!