June 08, 2009

God & Money

We serve a great God! He does things in special ways, unexpected things, and I love being a part of that! Yesterday at Southbrook:Monroe we took a special offering. We've been talking about it and praying about it for several weeks. We meet in a converted store front. Two doors down from our main worship center, we have leased another smaller space. This will become our elementary children's wing. In order to upfit the space we need about $20,000.

So we've been praying and yesterday we took up an offering. We each had the opportunity to make a 3 month commitment to help fund the new children's wing (they had 19 elementary kids in a small room yesterday...they are packin' them in!). I explained our goal, I explained our need, we prayed, and we passed the baskets. Now check it out. We had about 70 adults in the service. We had 32 cards turned in, 32 family units who have pledged to fund the children's elementary wing. Here are the results:

The total amount given yesterday was $2597.

The total amount pledged for the next 3 months was $24,522!

This is above people's regular commitments to give to the church. I love our church. I love the generosity of those in our church. I love that God takes people, puts them together, and unites them under His cause. Praise God! I can't wait to get started on this new project!


Anonymous said...

Geoffrey -

I'm so excited for you and for your church. God is indeed awesome, or as one of my favorite flairs says "God is ridiculously awesome."

I can't wait to continue to read your posts and see how He continues to grow and provide for your church.

Christy Grant

Anonymous said...

Sunday's at Southbrook Monroe are always a great experience in seeing what God will do with this new church plant when we commit to bringing folks him. This past week with the Closet cloths giveaway and then to the folks giving for the children's wing. Plus some new people came who have not been going to church and say they found a home. God blessings at work. Now vacation bible school and more amazing things will happen.

Fred Grotophorst