August 03, 2007

Reality Hits

Stage 4 - 22.8 miles

This stage is supposed to be relatively flat. At least compared to the last one. The other solo riders are only about 5 minutes down the road. If I ride hard and fast (and don’t get lost again) I can catch them. I can do this!

I spend the rest of this stage trying to make a crucial decision. I am pushing with everything I have to catch the group that is somewhere ahead of me. I never catch them. In cycling, it is almost impossible for a lone rider to catch a group. Groups just go faster. They are able to conserve more energy because they are working together.

I have wasted a lot of energy on this stage. By the end, I realize I am going to be riding alone for the rest of the day. I have to refocus myself. I have to finish this ride, I have to resolve to ride alone and finish strong.

Life as a Christ follower is a lot like this. When we get off track (and we do) we think we can some how ‘catch up’, some how make up for lost time. But that’s the thing about life, you can’t get any of it back! Once it’s gone, it’s gone. There are no do-overs. There is no catching up. You have to face reality. Face the consequences of what you have done. Own up, take responsibility, and get on with it. Learn from your mistake, and keep moving forward.

How wonderful it is to know that we have been forgiven for our past sins. Jesus welcomes us with unconditional love. And although we can't go back and do it again, we do get a second chance. We get to move forward from here and through the power of the Holy Spirit working in us, we have the opportunity to make the right choices.

Are you dwelling on the past? Are you wishing you had never made that 'wrong turn'? Do you long to go back and make a different choice? Jesus offers forgiveness to all, if we will just humbly accept it. We can't go back and undo our mistakes, but we can start right now making better choices. Put your trust in Him, allow Him to be your guide, and quit wishing the past would change - it won't.

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