When we were in ICU with Garren, we had to adjust quickly to a new norm. We had to learn to get used to a whole new way of life. We studied our new environment and learned how to survive. We got to know nurses and doctors. We became comfortable with our new changes.
Then one day they started talking about moving us out of the ICU. What? We had just regained at least an illusion of control in our lives. We had just gotten used to the way things were. We were becoming attached to some of the nurses. The thought of moving on had not even crossed our minds.
We moved, and guess what? Each day we have become more and more comfortable in rehab. We have gotten to know some of the nurses. We have become comfortable in our new environment.
We can see this pattern in every area of life. Churches, restaurants, schools, jobs...we quickly become comfortable with a certain way of doing things. And when something changes the response is not always what it should be. The problem is that we think we have control over our environments. The reality is that we do not have control at all, we have the illusion of control. And when we feel like we are losing control, we panic. We don't know what to do.
One of the things I've realized even more over the last 6 weeks is that we really are not in control. From the AVM in Garren's brain, to the lack of understanding that the doctors have about brain injuries and recovery, it is very clear that we do not control anything.
Something I've learned to hang onto even more over the last 6 weeks is that God is in control. Though our lives seem to be spinning out of control, God is working His mysterious plan together for His own glory, for His ultimate good.
What are you hanging on to? What are you trying so desperately to control? The one thing in life that won't change is that everything can and will eventually change. It's not our job to try and control it. It's our job to stay close to Jesus, to follow Him in obedience, and to trust that He is in control. He will not lead you astray.
Geoffrey, Thank you for such great insight. You and your family show each and every day that we are not to worry about "controlling" our world but we are to focus on "worshiping" our LORD. We continue to pray for Garren to regain all his strength and completely recover. We also pray for you and Nancy to continue to be Salt & Light in the world.
In HIS Service,
Mark, Cindy, Nyan, Dominic & Sophie
Thank you Pastor Geoffrey for all that you do. God really does use you in powerful ways everyday. He has been able to use your family more, because of the prayers that you and Nancy pray. For He does hear them all, and He is faithful. He is our Father, our Protector, and most importantly friend. Keep following in His footsteps and He WILL continue to carry your WHOLE family through. Thank you. Love, Janessa Pollock
Thank you for your strenth, and for letting us know it comes from Him above, so we can have it too. We continue to pray for "Sunshine" even through the clouds.
By His Grace,
Michael and Michelle
Wow, Geoffrey, I really felt like this message was for me today! Thanks so much for continuing to share your insight. I pray for Garren everyday. God Bless you and your family!
-Pam Mayhew
I just spoke of the "control" thing in our small group a week ago...patience is my biggest character flaw, followed with my need to "try" and control everything in a close second. You'd think that I would realize it and stop trying to do it...the more I try to control, the less control I have. I asked the small group, "why am I so dense sometimes?" I know better, God knows I know better, yet I still try to steer in the direction I want to go. I needed to read that message, so thanks for posting it. Continuing to pray. In for the long haul, The Sisk Family
Geoffrey I haven't been commenting on your posts lately, but I do catch up every few days. This writing today, and several other days, is beautiful. I am so sorry for all your family is going thru. I am grateful for your blog. You are an AMAZING writer, which I did not know about you. Praying for all of you, thinking of you often. Please hug Nancy from me. Tell her I miss her and love her.
Tracy Brailsford
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