Garren made a goal today! It's actually a pretty big baby step for him. He was able to vertically track with both eyes. First Tara used a light in front of each eye, one eye at a time. Garren followed it up and down, consistently, with both eyes. Then she held a mirror in front of Garren and moved it up and down. He was able to track with that as well. Finally, she took a football and held it up in front of him. When she moved it up and down, his eyes followed. That was very cool to see! He is not able to track horizontally (side to side) yet.
Another baby step for Garren - they are cutting him back from 10 to 7 hours on the vent overnight. That's another step in the right direction. Go Garren!
This morning I read Psalm 125:1 -
"Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion.
It cannot be shaken; it remains forever."
Sometimes I feel like I am being shaken. Rather violently actually. I am so thankful that my trust is in the Lord. I pray that we will continue to endure. I pray that I will continue to be the husband and father that God has called me to be. It's so easy to get dragged down. It's so easy to feel sorry for yourself. I pray that I will be like Mount cannot be shaken.
Yesterday I was walking my Riley Girl and wondering if the hospital had a therapy dog. So glad they do and Garren got to spend some time with him. I know you have a dog and cat and it will be good for Garren when he gets to spent some with them again. I am so happy for his big baby steps! Your faith is amazing and I'm sure it is feeling very shakey. But God is pleased with you and Nancy! Praying! Love you all!
Big STEP! Way to go Garren!
- Cousin Tiff
So thankful for every step!! Geoffrey and Nancy, you are a living testimony for so many. Stay strong and remember we continually lift all of you up in prayer.
The Tripps
Wow! That is amazing news! God is great!
Geoffrey we love you and your family. Know that everyday and every moment we are praying for you all. Where we attend church, Garren is on the bulletin. Our church is consistently praying for Garren and you all. Love you! God bless. The Hewitt's
Thank you for your continued updates. We are glad to hear about Garrens continued steps of improvement. You all have demonstrated great faith and I'm confident you will contin ue to do so. I also know your faith is being stretched much like the therapy stretches Garrens hamstrings and pushes his body. That is painful and pain illicits a response. There may be times when your response isn't what you feel it should be (not that we have seen any evidence of that). Just remember your dad is right doubts are not the same as disbelief. We love you and contiinue to pray for you. (We had a great prayer time at church tonight).Karen and cecil
praying for more baby steps! stay strong! we are constantly amazed by your strength and faith! we continue to pray for you all!
Awesome, awesome news about Garren's progress. Sounds like he's gaining quite a bit of control over those eye movements, so that's definitely great to hear. Animals are super for therapy, so I'm thankful to hear he's allowed that interaction. We're continuing to cheer for him!
After avidly reading your blog for over one month now, I just can't imagine using the word "shaken" to describe you and Nancy. "Sad" and maybe a little "rattled" at moments, with good reason, but not shaken.
The Sunday before Garren's AVM ruptured (hopefully my memory is in check), you preached at Weddington. You said "I'm a lot like Peter." I can't tell you how many times I've thought of that. In 1 Peter 1:5-7 "who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen Him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls."
Back up two months...if someone told you that Garren would be in this position and that your life would be making major changes, you might have said what any normal person would say and that's "I don't know how I'd ever handle something like that." It's something we can't imagine, but when we're living it and in that moment, there's only two options...throw in the towel and give up or stand firm in your beliefs and trust God every step of the way to get you through it.
Well, it's obvious to the rest of us what option you and Nancy chose. I think you summed it up best when you painted us a vivid picture of what your dad said of the difference between "doubt and disbelief." I believe without reservation that you make God smile. You might feel the tremors from time to time, but you're not shaken. In for the long haul, The Sisk Family
Awesome man! Good to see you today man! So proud of G!
Way to go Garren! We continue praising God for the baby steps. We continue to pray for complete healing for Garren. And, we always remember to pray for strength, endurance, comfort, and peace for you, Nancy, Kara, and Kelsey.
Geoffrey & Nancy - Just a note that Lynn and I have been watching Garren's progress and praying for you and for Garren. Praising God for the triumphs and asking His help and intervention for everything you're facing. We love you. - Jennie Price
Proverbs 18:10
The name of the LORD is a strong tower;The righteous runs into it and is safe.
This is the verse I claimed with Tony. In my mind, I gathered him up in my arms and ran into the strong tower of His name...El Shaddai...The God who is Enough! There we were safe. There we were not shaken.
He will not fail you! Keep standing.
Terri Tangeman
Geoffrey, thanks for letting us in on your thoughts...although we can never imagine what this trial is putting you through, I KNOW that God loves you, and have to believe that for now, this is the best possible moment for all of you to be in, based on God's incredible love for you...lean on Him for your strength as you have been doing, and it is ok not to feel "up" all the & prayers, Sandy & Russ has been quite a day, hasn't it? I know you and Nancy are tired....but you have not quit...I know Garren is tired, but he is not a quitter either, and more importantly, God is faithful, and He, who never sleeps, is not a quitter as point? I just wish I could hug you all, and tell you how much we love you and are praying for you, and are hurting with you, and want to encourage you beyond our ability to stay strong in your faith in Jesus and trust His plan for Garren and all of you...don't let anything take that faith away from you...not for one minute...ok? Love, Sandy & Russ
Yes, Geoffrey, it is easy to get shaken. And I can not imagine the depths of that vulnerability you are experiencing right now. Know that we are holding you and Nancy before the Lord each day, asking Jesus to carry you when you are too exhausted and shaken to carry yourself. God is able! God is faithful!
And I agree, "Go Garren!" These seem like Giant Steps to me... Keep the good news coming!
Love & Blessings,
The Singletons
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