July 26, 2011


I'm back. I was traveling last week, took another team to Haiti - this time we helped run a medical clinic. We had an amazing trip. Each team member was touched in a special way. No one returned the same. We had the privilege of giving people simple medicine that they otherwise would not be able to get. But even more importantly, we had a spiritual impact on many of them as well. Each person saw a doctor or a nurse to get help with their physical needs. And each person was prayed for individually, touching their spiritual needs. We saw several give their lives to Christ for the first time. Always a joy!

Garren is progressing, slowly. We knew the time would come when progress would slow down. The doctors and therapists all warned us. He still progresses, he is still getting stronger, but it is just a slow process. Garren continues to go to therapy 3 times a week. Now that I'm back I can get him into a routine of walking everyday. Thursday we are taking him for a speech and swallow study. We'll see what yet another opinion has to say.

We continue to press on. I recently read a book that talked about the mysterious ways of God. Sometimes we are in a fog, unable to see or understand what is going on around us. Though we can't see the end, much less the steps in front of us, we will continue to press on toward the goal. Praise be to our God and Father who has saved us through His Son Jesus Christ.


Anonymous said...

One step at a time, one day at a time, that's how we make it through our trials with faith as the victory that overcomes the world. Our hearts and prayers are still with you Garren, press on as your dad says, God will give the strength as needed.You will use all this one day in ministering to others of the comfort God gave you, and you will comfort and encourage many because of it. May the Lord continue to heal and restore you Garren, In Jesus' name, Amen.

Donna Lochridge

Sara G said...


Anonymous said...

So happy for the updates...and no matter how slow progress seems to be, it is still progress...reminds me of how God is not finished with making us to be like His Son...it is a slow process, but a process still....be encouraged...even if you don't understand why this is going on, God understands and it is part of His good and perfect plan for you, Garren, and for your family...praying, always, love, Sandy & Russ