April 28, 2011

Fun Night

We had a great time at the skate night last night. There were a lot of people. It was awesome to see everyone having a great time, all there thinking about and remembering Garren. At one point during the evening, everyone gathered on the rink, joined hands, and formed a giant prayer circle. I thanked everyone for coming, and then prayed for Garren. It is so amazing that so many people are so committed to praying for Garren.

Yesterday while we had Garren on the mat, we had him sitting up, with his feet on the floor. We had him lean back, with his hands to his sides, slightly behind him. Garren sat up, held himself up, for nearly a whole minute. He is getting stronger everyday. I can't wait to sit him up again today and see how he does.

The OT tried something new with Garren yesterday as well. He blew up a balloon, and played balloon volleyball with Garren. Garren was able to keep his eye on the balloon, and raise his hands and hit it when it came his way.

We also met a new speech therapist. She evaluated Garren and went over a lot of information with us. She used big words to describe what is going on with Garren. We're looking forward to seeing how this works out. Last night, Garren spelled to Nancy: "I want to swallow, so I can eat real food."


Kitty @ Four Toms and a Mom said...

All the wonderful news about Garren keeps getting better, but seeing the smile on Dad's face last night when talking about how proud he is of his son.... priceless!

tammywingate said...

we are so sorry we missed the Skating event! My mom was flying back to MS at 5 am Thurs and that was our last night together...she doesn't skate!! (-:
Love all the news, Garren is doing great and we are so proud. still praying!!
<>< t